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Social Distancing? Are we doing it?

“Lots of people ignored warnings and did not seem to care. There is now a ban on people under 20 and over 65 years of age going out and I’m glad because now those who chose to ignore safety regulations and endanger others will be held responsible for their actions.” (Istanbul, Turkey)

“My community of neighbours is not overly "social", but my family has reached out to neighbours and people are checking in if we see each other and offered to do essential pickups. We have expressed concern to vulnerable neighbours - one of whom continues to visit with extended family. It is tough to watch the news and hear about people not following the social distancing - WHY??? Some behaviour is just inconsiderate/ dangerous ie: PPE waste at stores, spitting on front line workers. ???” (Thornill, Canada)

“My neighborhood has become substantially quieter and less busy in the last few weeks.” (Brampton, Canada)

“New Zealand rocks! We have great leadership and huge compliance. We are lucky to be islands and a relatively small population; we can have a national strategy and high compliance. We were all quite disgusted with the recent news story of a man filming himself walking through a supermarket coughing on people; he was arrested quick smart, held in jail, and pleaded guilty.” (Havelock, New Zealand)

“Mixed. I have felt a lot of anger towards those who are not following the guidelines.” (Dundas, Canada)

“Shock. People refuse to stay at home! I live next to the coastline and people show up at the boardwalk every single day! They continue having picnics and taking strolls even though a police car routinely shows to fine people as it is now forbidden to do leisure activities in public spaces. Especially older people who meet up at parks to chat and wont listen to instructions! It makes me feel so angry because they are a high risk group and us younger people stay home and meticulously follow protocols so less older people have to die. But they don't seem to care at all... The municipality has taken extreme measures even uprooting park benches and sitting areas so the older people stop gathering! It's honestly so ridiculous. Just stay home! (Istanbul, Turkey)

“Finally, people are doing what the government says.” (Toronto, Canada)

“When I take my walks, people are definitely keeping 6 feet apart. (Pennsylvania, USA)

“For the most part, Brighton and Hove seem to be behaving themselves - at the last check, we had 85 cases in the city, (our population is around 500,000). We were the first location in the UK to get a Covid-19 case, so it would seem we are doing incredibly well.” (Hove, United Kingdom)


“I am frustrated by the families who continue to gather on their driveways for drinks etc. I know that the weather is improving and I know that you are keeping 6 feet apart, but your children who are playing together in your backyard are not. It also makes it tricky for those of us with children who are not allowed to join your children but instead have to watch them play from the window.” (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)


“I'm glad that most people are staying home and only going out if they absolutely have to. (Ontario, Canada)

“I think people are trying to find loopholes because they crave normalcy. I find myself thinking about it too. If I go for a walk outside with a friend, and we stay 2m apart the whole time, does that count as social distancing? Is it an unnecessary, selfish risk, or is it a safe way to stay connected in these times?” (Woodbridge, Canada)

“We are doing okay. My eighty-six year old father says he has never seen anything like this. He and his partner seem to be making it work. He has taken to phoning people that he hasn't in years. I think he is just checking up on them. I have a list of people who aren't immediate family that I call. The community of Parry Sound has been extremely generous.” (McDougall, Canada)

“They aren't taking it as seriously as they should be.” (Ontario, Canada)


“I think that we're doing what needs to be done, but there are still some people who could care less about what the government says. There are some people I have heard of and seen that still have tons of people over and don't seem to care or they just let their kids play outside with others.” (Vaughan, Canada)

“I feel like people who don't stay home should start taking this seriously cause the more they go outside the worse it'll get.” (Istanbul, Turkey)


“I think that some people are doing a good job, but I also think people are trying to find way to stretch the rules and I think that is how corona is being spread, like for instance, going out on a walk in the neighborhood (which is okay) but going with someone who is not related to you, and then maybe you go out walking with a different person the next day and so on. That spreads corona, but it is a gathering of 5 people or less so technically it is.” (Ontario, Canada) 


“When I go out for walks with my family or even at the grocery store, everyone has been respectful with keeping a far distance when we pass. Many people are wearing masks and gloves in public which is really good. When I visit my grandparents we always stay outside - while they stay on their balcony.” (Woodbridge, Canada)

“I live in a gated seniors community. No one here wants to catch it so everyone is careful.” (Markham, Canada)

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